Friday, February 6, 2015

The Fallow Mire Map

Okay, so as far as hard maps goes......this one is a breeze. As you've probably noticed (if you've been following me so far) you're not quite ready to venture into those red areas on the Hinterlands map. SO this map gives you a MUCH needed push to gain the levels you need for those areas (except the dragons'; that one is a BEAST! <-rofl pun intended ^-^) So the only tip I am going to give you for this level is that you are REALLY going to want the "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition perk. It will help you get part of Blackwalls approval quest as well as a mosaic piece for the Freed are Slaves set. Also, bring a mage.

After your initial conversation with Harding the map is now open to you. Immediately go the house just across the path from your base-camp to grab a codex, some loot AND a bottle for the "Bottles of Thedas/Bottles on the Wall" quest. Now you can start on the map.

You have two bottles (really only one because you should've gotten the other right-off-the-bat.) There are 4 landmarks 4 glyphs, 1 mosaic piece, 1 rift, 1 camp to establish and 1 agent to collect on this map if you are interested.

1) Holding the Mire (pretty straightforward)

2) Lost Souls 
This encompasses the entirety of the map, but it is rather easy. At the very end of the bog lies a decript old castle thing. Hiding in the back part (past all the undead and some Avvar tribesman) is the leader you are going to have to defeat to rescue said soldiers that have been missing. The fight isn't too hard. There'll be a warrior and an archer in additon to the leader to fight. Concentrate on picking them off before you go for the big kahuna though. Once he is dead (looking at the broken throne from the enterance) there is Blackwalls' Grey Warden artifact to the right and the missing scouts to the left; both towards the back of the space. After getting these make your way out to where the tribesman were surrounding the fire and meet your agent. He wants to join you. 

This isn't too hard. It goes hand-in-hand with Beneath the Mire. There are four stations scattered on the path leading you to the end of the map, Defeat the demons. (Less undead appear that way.)

This isn't too hard. It goes hand-in-hand with Beacons in the Dark. After lighting the veilfire and defeating the demons and undead that come your way, light a torch with the veilfire and then go around the the other side of the post to see a rune illuminate. There are four, all on the posts you have to light anyway. 

This is pretty easy. After the 3rd station of defeating the demons and veilfire walk up to where two Avvar tribesman await you. There will be a pond on the right. Go across it and your HUD screen should be pulsing orange. Look for the key and then open up the house that lies behind the spot that you found the key in. 

Not going to lie, finding the entrance to this was freaking irritating. I had to set the controller down for fear of breaking it. So in order to get to the ONE rift (not the one you have to open for Sky Watcher) defeat the 3rd station and then go down the small slope and immediately to your right. There should be an opening in the rock (looks like an arch from Stonehenge) go through, close the rift, grab the landmark go straight (facing the landmark). You should find an arch hidden (to me) away. Go through it. It should lead to a small clearing. Ignore the mass of undead rising from the depths and turn to the right to go through another archway that leads to the area of "Hidden Apostate Camp". Widris, the person you seek, awaits you here. After defeating all that lie there, activate the Solas artifact that is here. Voila! You're done. 

The green area is where the most difficult landmark is located. You might have to trudge through a lot of water (and undead) in order to get there however. The pink area is where Widris is. The red area is where Cabin Fever is located (sometimes hard to find unless you know what you are looking for.The aqua area is where the 2nd bottle for "Bottles of Thedas/Bottles on the Wall" lies. Lastly the pumpkin-y color is where the mosaic piece and the 2nd part of Blackwalls quest is. Be warned you MUST have the "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition perk (and a rogue) in order to access it as it is behind a locked door. 

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