Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Haven Map

Remember: SPEAK to your war council members as well as your team members. You need their help!!!

After a cut-scene it's time to explore Haven a bit (plus people there have some quests) Starting from the Chantry go directly forward and speak with Threnn. After getting her quest for weapons go left and up the hill. You'll reach a clearing surrounded by three houses/huts and Solas on the side with steps. In the middle house is Adan, he has another quest for you. Plus there is a codex and a loot chest inside. Within the other two house things lie codex and loot items. When your down continue down the stairs behind Solas and into the pub that lies along the right side of the path. On the outside of the pub there'll be a codex. Inside there is 2+: One is a book on a table by a door, the is a sheet of paper across from the bar. (the plus comes from any songs you might here which will update the "Patron of the Arts" quest.

When done head out and go right down the path. Varric is a short distance away beside a campfire. Talk with him about red lyrium to get his approval quest. In fact the only thing that I have found that results in his disapproval is the "Orisinos fate made no sense" and "I'm fine" when he asks if you're alright. Other than that nothing you say/ask has any effect (except "Too many people died, I'm just glad to be alive, I can barely keep up and This is all bull" options which  all result with slight approval.) When done head down the steps.

If you want more loot go left to a clearing with a trebuchet and some soldiers. This also contains some materials and 2 codex entries. If you don't want more loot (who DOESN'T want more loot though?) go through the large gate doors that will take you outside of Haven. When they open you'll see a training ground to the right and the blacksmith to the left. Go left. The blacksmith (Harriett) has 2 quests for you to do there that involve crafting and modifying armor. When finished head up the path to the left all the while clicking in your left stick which will help you find materials (ie iron, elfroot) to craft with and the quest Threnn sent you on. You'll reach a bridge which has a codex, coin purse and a bag of loot. Jump onto the wall above the bag of loot and then jump onto the near-by mountain top. Head up and over the mountain and to the quest marker on your map. When your done exploring you'll find the logging stand you are looking for in a grove of trees in front of a gate . Mark it and then head through the gate and into the house in front of you. Click in the left stick to find notes for Adan and then head out of the house and onto the path. Go left and forward to make your way back to Haven. Turn in your quests and go into the Chantry. A cut-scene will happen and with that you're finished with the map of Haven. When you can speak with Josephine on the 2nd door on the left. A small cut-scene will happen with a disgruntled noble but when it ends you'll be able to turn in any loot that might help Minaeve (the researcher person)

The quests I talked about are:

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