Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Le Introduction :)

Hi all! I don't know if anyone is interested in reading what I have to say or not, but I decided its therapeutic for me. (Plus I get to share my love of gaming......well just RPGs and some FPS.) I just want to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Siarra Halstead. My husband is military (which means I have A LOT of alone time and single mom time.) I have three kiddos that I love more than anything. When they aren't demanding my attention I devote my time to gaming (because there isn't much else I'd rather be doing.) I got into gaming when my husband and I got married and he didn't want me to get a job because I was pregnant with our first. SO here I am 5 years later and it feels as if my whole world has changed (because really it has.) I am also a member of the LDS faith, which really directs my life (even if most of the time I have a hard time not swearing........because, well,  children......) WELL now that you know a little about me.....

I created this blog to maybe help others who need help in the games that I play (and really I should have done it eons ago. Because I ROCKED Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. <- Seriously I knew like every single corner of the map and all the quests (even the expansions.)) I am in no way an expert gamer though and don't claim to be the best at anything. I will just simply give my POV of how things should be done......Oh yeah......Did I mention that I was a completionist and have this inherent NEED to get ALL the achievements on Xbox? No? Well now you know my lovelies......

Let's get to gamin!!! 

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